HISTORY’S SECRETS – CIA Secret Experiments

“It’s the height of the Cold War and the United States government is desperate to combat the spread of Communism. The CIA launches a highly classified, top secret research program into the covert use of biological and chemical agents. In simulated attacks on enemy populations, entire cities in America are contaminated with bacteria, exposing millions of Americans to germ warfare. But the real focus of the research is on mastering the art of mind control.

“Psychiatrists at top academic institutions work under secret contract with the agency. Psychiatric patients, prisoners, even unwitting members of the public are exposed to a startling array of experiments designed to facilitate interrogations, induce amnesia and program in new behavior. Every psychological technique is explored, including hypnosis, electroshock therapy and lethal cocktails of drugs. What was the extent of these brainwashing experiments? How did the CIA become involved in such far-reaching and disturbing research? Join us as National Geographic presents: CIA Secret Experiments.”

This powerful National Geographic video documents how for decades, top secret government projects worked virtually non-stop to perfect means of controlling the human mind. Though for many years the government denied that these projects even existed, the details have long been preserved in thousands of pages of now declassified government documents reluctantly released through the Freedom of Information Act. LSD and electroshock therapy in huge doses given to unsuspecting citizens are only a part of this unbelievable program.

CIA Secret Experiments blows the lid off years of chilling experiments, drawing on the above-mentioned declassified documents and interviews with some of the victims. Hear from John Marks, the author of In Search of the Manchurian Candidate, who originally broke the story of the CIA’s abuses by unraveling the mysteries contained in the declassified documents. Learn how many of the most important records pertaining to the mind control experiments were destroyed by the director of the CIA in an attempt to prevent the details from ever being known.

The projects involved brutal, at times lethal experiments on thousands of unsuspecting citizens in direct defiance of law, all ethical codes, and basic human rights. Interviews with top psychiatrists, lawyers, and victims send chills up the spine. U.S. intelligence agencies spent millions on these mind control projects with a goal of creating programmable human spies. A former head of the American Psychiatric Association, Dr. Ewen Cameron, is one of many highly respected doctors who erased the personalities of thousands of unsuspecting victims, while many in the profession simply turned a blind eye.

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10 Years – A Look Back Through the Years

March 26th, 2008, I began my blog ‘Porn in the Valley’. Today marks my 10th Anniversary as a blogger activist. Check out the years and how far we’ve come. Thank you to all who’ve supported my work and been my witnesses. God bless you all!

PART 2: The Luxury Companion: Dave’s Real Name is Dwight Cunningham? How does TLC avoid legal trouble? Sextrafficking, Extortion, Murder & More!


Alexandra aka Monica Foster provides some closing facts, commentary, rumors, perspectives & gossip in regards to the truth of exactly what The Luxury Companion is and who’s behind it. Shy Love has filed a police report in regards to death threats & extortion. Why are people out to get her?

Thanks to the reporting of Mike South of MikeSouth.com and Kelli Roberts of LukeIsBack.com – it appears that the owner of The Luxury Companion’s boyfriend/husband’s real name is Dwight Cunningham rather than Dave. Why porn news bloggers & reporters are reluctant to state Cunningham’s name remains a mystery.

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SUNSET THOMAS: Ex-Pornstar & Ex-Legal Courtesan TELLS ALL – Exclusive MonicaAtHome Interview

Legendary multi-award winning ex-pornstar and ex-legal courtesan Diane aka Sunset Thomas TELLS ALL in this extensive and exclusive interview hosted by adult industry investigative blogger Alexandra aka Monica Foster.

This interview takes you on a detailed journey from Diane’s rise to fame as Sunset Thomas (a top-tier highly sought after pornstar), to her transition into the Nevada legal brothel system – a transition that forever changed the face of the Nevada legal brothel circuit and opened doors for multitudes of her porn industry peers.

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PITV October Episode: A Survivor Speaks ‘For the Record’

Uploaded on Oct 18, 2015

Foxx Media Group & PITV October episode: A Survivor Speaks ‘For the Record.’ Survivor Story, Sex Trafficking, Cyberstalking, Cyberbully, organized crime, Los Angeles porn industry, pimps, pornography, whistleblower, targets, politics, Scientology, sex positive, body positive.

PITV: September’s Episode of ‘Connecting the Pervs’, Hosted by Editor of Foxx Media Group on Feminism and More…

Feminism, Planned Parenthood, 2016 Election, CNN GOP Debate, Carly Fiorina, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Donald Trump, Chris Christie, Amnesty International, prostitution, sex trafficking, pimps, johns, Ashley Madison hack, Josh Duggar, Entertainment, Kanye West, VMA Awards, 2020 election, nudity in Hollywood, commercial sexual exploitation, War Room, Straight Out of Compton.

Congress will Investigate Planned Parenthood for Unethical, Illegal Organ Trafficking

EDITORIAL: It’s organ trafficking. They are aborting the poor and selling the parts to the rich. There is so much unethical practices going on here, these clinics and this NON-PROFIT should be shut down immediately!


Welcome to Liberal Feminism!

Congress will investigate Planned Parenthood’s abortion practices, U.S. House Speaker John Boehner announced today.  The investigation comes in light of a shocking undercover video released yesterday by the Center for Medical Progress, showing Planned Parenthood Medical Director Dr. Deborah Nucatola casually munching on salad while describing how she strategically aborts children so their organs can be harvested.

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Documenting The Sexual Abuse of Janitors Across The Country


WNYC 93.9 FM Published in The Leonard Lopate Show
In Rape on the Night Shift, a documentary premiering Tuesday, June 23 on PBS, FRONTLINE uncovers the sexual abuse of immigrant women in the janitorial industry. (FRONTLINE )

Andres Cediel talks about his new documentary, “Rape on the Night Shift,” about the sexual abuse of immigrant women in the janitorial industry. It features firsthand accounts from female janitorial workers who say they have been sexually abused by their coworkers and supervisors in the malls where you shop, the banks where you do business, and the offices where you work, and tells the stories of the steep price many women in the janitorial industry pay to keep their jobs and provide for their families.

The film is a collaborative investigation between Frontline, Univision, the Investigative Reporting Program at UC Berkeley, Reveal from the Center for Investigative Reporting, and KQED. Airs June 23 on PBS.



GOING CLEAR: Scientology and the Prison of Belief


Following the HBO documentary “Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God,” his investigation into sex abuse in the Catholic Church, Academy Award®-winning director Alex Gibney (HBO’s “Taxi to the Dark Side”) turns his gaze to Scientology in GOING CLEAR: SCIENTOLOGY AND THE PRISON OF BELIEF, based on the book by Pulitzer Prize winner Lawrence Wright.

Gibney profiles eight former members of the Church of Scientology, whose most prominent adherents include A-list Hollywood celebrities, shining a light on how the church cultivates true believers, detailing their experiences and what they are willing to do in the name of religion.

This powerful new film highlights the Church’s origins, from its roots in the mind of founder L. Ron Hubbard to its rise in popularity in Hollywood and beyond. The heart of the film is a series of shocking revelations by former insiders, including high-ranking and recognizable members such as acclaimed screenwriter Paul Haggis (“Crash”), as they describe the systematic history of abuse and betrayal by Church officials, including the current leadership of the Church.

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DOCUMENTARY: BBC Panorama – ‘The Secrets of Scientology’

Uploaded on Jan 1, 2012

In 2007, while investigating the Church of Scientology for the BBC’s Panorama programme, reporter John Sweeney had a dramatic on-camera confrontation with a church spokesman named Tommy Davis. The church was accusing the reporter of bias and it attempted to stop the documentary from being broadcast – a campaign backed by Scientology A-lister John Travolta. Sweeney has returned to investigate the church again in this follow-up to the previous documentary “Scientology and Me”.

Secret Societies Of Hollywood – Everything’s Possible so Anything Goes . . Including Child Stars

Published on Feb 23, 2015

This video: “Secret Societies of Hollywood All 3 Episodes” is offered under terms of the United States Fair Use Act of 1976, subsection 107, for educational purposes as it is an excellent documentary.

The Demanding Justice Project from Shared Hope – Addressing the Demand

Demanding Justice from Shared Hope on Vimeo.

The Demanding Justice Project is a research and advocacy initiative designed to promote demand deterrence through increased attention and advocacy on demand enforcement. The research report documents the outcomes of federal and state arrests, charges and prosecutions of buyers of sex acts with children. The findings of this research will inform advocacy efforts to strengthen anti-demand legislation and enforcement.

Development of Anti-Demand Laws in United States

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CELEBRITY HOOKER HOTSPOT: Dubai’s Night Secrets – Prostitution And Sex Trafficking In Dubai

Published on Sep 16, 2013

The Prostitution in Dubai

Dubai, a city only covers an area of 1500 square miles and sits 52 feet above sea level, is the gateway to Asia, also described as the Las Vegas of the Middle East. In this city, you can find skyscrapers, beautiful natural scene, advanced technologies and the prostitutes. If you have no idea of the prostitution in Dubai, never mind, let’s come into the world of prostitutes in Dubai together. 

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HOT GIRLS WANTED: Grim World of Teen Porn Exposed in Sundance Documentary


In Hot Girls Wanted, two former journalists reveal the disturbing truth behind young women in the porn industry

The poster for Hot Girls Wanted

The poster for Hot Girls Wanted

The disturbing world of teen porn, in which thousands of 18- and 19-year-old girls have sex on camera for money, is exposed in a documentary premiered at the Sundance Film Festival.

Hot Girls Wanted tells the true stories of a group of them, mostly naive small-town girls enticed by the promise of money and fame in the bright lights of Florida or California.

The reality is, of course, far less rosy: they typically last less than six months in the game, before either their parents find out, or the industry tires of them, constantly seeking “fresh meat”.

“It’s the Wild West,” director Jill Bauer told AFP after the movie was screened at the independent film showcase festival in the Utah mountain resort of Park City.

“Anyone can make a video. Any producer can go online and recruit a girl on [the small ads website] craigslist. You just need to prove that you’re 18 years old, but anybody can do it and its art, protected by the First Amendment, freedom of speech.”

Bauer, a former Miami Herald journalist, has already made a film on a similar theme: 2012’s Sexy Baby used a 12-year-old girl’s story to explore the growing sexualization of youth and popular culture via social media.

At first, she and co-director Ronna Gradus had planned their new film to focus on boys on college campuses who consume porn online – coincidentally, the subject of another film at Sundance, The Hunting Ground.

But as soon as they began investigating what those young men were watching, Bauer and Gradus discovered the world of girls just out of high school lining up to make money by having sex in videos posted on porn websites.

“We thought, this can’t be true, because if this was true it would have been reported before. So we really couldn’t believe it,” said Gradus, who previously worked with Bauer as a photographer at The Miami Herald.

The girls involved are typically working minimum wage jobs straight out of high school and see adverts like “Hot Girls Wanted” on craigslist.comas “a ticket to freedom, adventure and their dream of instant fame”.

“This really is a perfect storm … for these girls you take, say, 18-year-old, impulsive, and you mix it with (instant online) access and no decent sex education,” she said.

Bauer and Gradus hope the film will trigger a debate about possible changes in the law: either in labour laws, where appropriate, or possibly through forcing porn producers to get licences with strict rules.

The film is punctuated with startling onscreen facts about this type of porn, including that the websites involved garner an average of 41 million hits a month, more than many mainstream websites including CNN and Disney.com.

Banner ads like “Latina Abuse” and “18 & Abused” pop up like on a computer screen, to a thumping soundtrack.

Perhaps the grimmest segment of the film concerns extreme videos: the most disturbing one focuses on so-called “facial abuse” – forced oral sex – which new girls find themselves drawn into doing, for the promise of extra pay.

“We couldn’t watch it, so our editor watched it for us and she made the choices,” said Bauer of one scene in particular, which was edited to avoid direct footage, but with accompanying sound.

Perhaps one small mercy in all of this is the fact that young girls typically last less than six months in the “industry.”

“There are two reasons for that,” said Bauer.

“One, their parents find out, or they get a boyfriend. Secondly it’s to do with the industry: the industry will not tolerate girls staying in for very long, because people demand to see new faces.”

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